Thursday, June 17, 2010

Congragulations to my Daughter!!

My oldest daughter graduates from Elementary today! We are so excited for her....  She is smart, beautiful and has a kind heart and spirit. I wish her the best of luck in her transition to middle school. Woo Hoo!

I will try not to cry when she gives her graduation speech and crosses the stage to get her certificate.  I am very proud of her for being such am amazing person.


  1. Fantastic! Continue to embrace her growth, I don't need to tell you how the time flies! Congratulations, Princess! (and absolutely WAY TO GO MAMA for getting her there!)

  2. Congratulations MOM! You raised her to be the person she is! Good job!

  3. Awwww, how GORGEOUS she is! CONGRATS ;o)

  4. awwww! Congratulations!! Have fun in middle school!

  5. Congrats to you and your daughter!

  6. Awww congrats!! Your daughter is beautiful and may she enjoy the next chapter!

  7. Thank you!!! It was such a wonderful day. I am very proud :-D.

  8. CONGRADULATIONSSSS daughter AND to you too Karen. you work just as hard to get her where she is. she couldnt do it alone. she looks REALLY sweet.


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