Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Email Lost - Feature Request

Just came back from a long weekend trip.  I received an email request from a young lady who wanted to be featured on the blog. I did not have a chance to respond last week, because I was packing for my trip. Today, being my first day back, I went to check my email to respond, and I can not find the email.

So I hope the young lady see's this post. You have lots of hair, you are on Fotki, and you shaved one side of you hair for something fun to-do.  Resend the email when you can. I want to feature you on the blog this week if possible.  I rarely 'lose' an email... lol. So not sure what happened.  Thanks everyone!


  1. I think you are talking about Chime from YouTube's Haircrush channel.

  2. OMG! That's her! Thank you Kayla... She sent me an email and I completely lost track of it. That's what happens when you go out of town I guess. Some times things get miss placed. This is very helpful. Thank you again.


Thank you for your comment! Be sure to check back for my response... Also, if you have any problems with posting your comments, please email your response to naturalhairbeauty@gmail.com, and I will post the response, to the desired post, as "A readers comment, received by email." Thank you for visiting... Karen