Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Artwork by Aissata Pinto Da Costa

Beautiful and creative art work by Aissata Pinto Da Costa.
"Hailing from the beautiful African nation of São Tomé and Principe, Aissata is the epitome of the self-taught artist. Her work, born out of her for love of Africa and her multicultural influences, her respect for life and her pride in being a woman , is a true reflection of the fiery passions that lie within her soul. Her artistic journey is one of dedication and hard work, with a deep yearning to express herself and spread love." - Saatchi Online


  1. Oh my god, I'm friends with the most talented painter in Brooklyn ...
    His paintings are full of lights and colors are wonderful
    Like, what am I saying, "i am very fond of this paintings

  2. Simplemente bonito os quadros. Não sabia e desconhecia este talento de alguem que me é muito querida. Agora vou te seguir sempre no facebook.


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