Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sense of well being

I just wanted to take a moment to say good morning to everyone! I am actually feeling like I need to reconnect with myself in some kind of way. And it just made me realize the importance of taking care of yourself - mind, body and soul.

I believe it is all connected. Having good health is very connected to being naturally beautiful. Naturally beauty often comes from inside out. You can go without the make up, the fancy clothes or the cute jewelry. But if you are beaming with happiness and confidence because you feel good, healthy and strong - that is a beauty that not many can resist or deny. So I am gonna take some time to reconnect with myself and do a little bit of emotional, physical and spiritual healing. Evaluate my health and see what I can do to improve my overall sense of well being. I hope that you will all time time out of your lives to do the same of yourselves. Find out what you need to get that balance, whether its a healthier diet, spending more time enjoy nature or just finding some time to relax.

Peace, Love and Happiness....


  1. Thank you for such an inspirtational blog. Hmmmm, maybe I am on the right track with my new way of looking at nutrition!

  2. That's wonderful news Happiest Nappy. I was listening to my intuition, when I wrote this yesterday. Feeling like I wasn't slowing down to enjoy each day. I am glad to hear that got something from this.

    By the way - I like your blogger bio picture. Cute and cheerful photo ... :-)


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